Hey, I'm Liam! I'm a creative with a passion for all things graphic+motion design, based in Sheffield U.K.

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Art & Design Direction
Digital Brand Identity
Web Design
Creative Strategy
Motion Design

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About Image
There's something perfect about the imperfect, something beautiful about the ugly, isn't there?
Hello there! My name is Liam. As a creative I have a passion for crafting visually intelligent brands and engaging experiences using Graphic and Motion design. I thrive on delivering cutting-edge solutions that not only exceed client expectations but also leave a lasting impact on users.

↳ Featured Clients

ESL (Electronic Sports League)
Tundra Esports

↳ Experience

Freelance Graphic Designer
Graphic Design Team Lead
ESL (Electronic Sports League)
Freelance Graphic Designer
Tundra Esports
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Sheffield Hallam University